About WiNEZ

WiNEZ was a monthly event at EZ Street Saloon in South Range, WI. Unfortunately, due to lower turn out the owners had decided to stop hosting the event. The last wine night at EZ was held on November 12, 2014. But that is not to say the die hards won't be getting together for some wine tasting periodically at EZ Street Saloon. I will continue to blog the wines we have tasted pre starting this blog, along with our impromptu meetings, and maybe transform the blog into something more personal. We will see where it goes. I do know the blog will still be about wine!

So for my WiNEZ pals you can count on this blog to serve as an archive of what was consumed and a reference for your spending sprees. For those who are just curious about what the Northwest Wisconsinites are drinking here are some thoughts… but be warned I am by no means a wine expert-I only know what I like. Since I am not an expert I will try to include the winemakers label descriptions as well.

Salute! or as the Finnish would say Kippis!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

D'Arrigo Italian Riesling?

When you think of Rieslings you think Germany, not Italy, but in fact Rieslings are produced worldwide.  D’Arrigo’s Riesling is produced in the Veneto region in northeast Italy.  It is aged for 4-5 years after gently pressing whole grape at low temperatures and fermented in steel tanks.  It is harvested mid-September and bottled the end of March.

Varietal:  Riesling     
Producer/Importer:  D’Arrigo         
Region:  Italy
Vintage: 2009
Price: $8
Tasting notes:
 Sight (Color/Clarity): golden yellow
 Smell (bouquet, aroma): earthy
Taste (acidity, balance, body): starts sweet, has a spicy pear middle, and finishes off dry with a citrus tang. Light in body.
Bottle presentation:
Label description:
Overall rating (1-10): 7
Date consumed: February 9, 2012
Comments: abv 11%

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