About WiNEZ

WiNEZ was a monthly event at EZ Street Saloon in South Range, WI. Unfortunately, due to lower turn out the owners had decided to stop hosting the event. The last wine night at EZ was held on November 12, 2014. But that is not to say the die hards won't be getting together for some wine tasting periodically at EZ Street Saloon. I will continue to blog the wines we have tasted pre starting this blog, along with our impromptu meetings, and maybe transform the blog into something more personal. We will see where it goes. I do know the blog will still be about wine!

So for my WiNEZ pals you can count on this blog to serve as an archive of what was consumed and a reference for your spending sprees. For those who are just curious about what the Northwest Wisconsinites are drinking here are some thoughts… but be warned I am by no means a wine expert-I only know what I like. Since I am not an expert I will try to include the winemakers label descriptions as well.

Salute! or as the Finnish would say Kippis!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Snoqualmie Winemaker's Select: The Snowsquall of Rieslings

The vineyards name reminds me of something us Northern Wisconsinites usually hear a lot about this time of year- SNOWSQUALLS! For those who haven’t experienced the sudden moderately heavy snowfall and the gusting winds of a snowsquall you might not appreciate my likening of the Snoqualmie Reisling to a snowsquall, but you will appreciate this wine.  Snoqualmie Riesling is full flavored smacking you on the palate as suddenly as a Northern Wisconsin snowsquall appears.  Yet somehow the Snoqualmie Riesling smoothly and sweetly lulls you into some peaceful bliss like the serene blanket of white snow left after the snowsquall passes. I think this might be my favorite Reisling.

According the winemakers website Snoqualmie Riesling is a blend consisting of 89% White Riesling, 9% Viognier, 1% Mario Muscat, 1% Black Muscat.  The 2010 vintage was harvested on 10/14/10 after a mild spring and cool summer.  This three weeks delayed harvest is credited for flavorful grapes with higher acidity than what is typical. The full ripeness of the grapes may be what keeps this sweet Riesling balanced without being sugary. The winemaker’s select Riesling is fermented for 14 days at 50°F after being inoculated with Stienberger yeast. 

Snoqualmie was one of Washington’s first premium wineries. Snoqualmie opened its winery in Prosser, WA, at the base of the Horse Heaven Hills, in 2002, but the vineyard has been in production since 1984.  Locals often describe Snoqualmie's Columbia Valley wines as "Naturally Northwest" as they are the leader in sustainable and organic winemaking in Washington. Located in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, where rainfall is only 6-8 inches annually and the sandy soils are well drained and nutrient limited.  This encourages fruit production rather than vine growth. http://www.snoqualmie.com

Varietal:  Riesling
Producer/Importer: Snoqualmie Winemaker’s Select
Region: Columbia Valley, Washington
Vintage: 2010
Tasting notes:
 Sight (Color/Clarity): Golden-light beer color
Smell (bouquet, aroma): pears and dried apricots
Taste (acidity, balance, body): Full flavored, honey sweet and smooth, hint of spiced pears, not sugary.
Bottle presentation: Rooster weathervane on the label. Green bottle, corked.
Label description: Reminiscent of apricot and pear fruit characteristics on the nose give way to a refreshingly crisp and luscious fruit filled palate. These impressions linger on the palate mingled with spice characters"
- Joy Andersen, Winemaker
Comparisons: Fuller flavored than the Wollersheim’s White Riesling, but similar in sweetness.
Overall rating (1-10): 9
Date consumed: December 14, 2011
Comments:  Acidity: 0.80 g/100mL, pH: 2.95, Alcohol: 10.2%, Residual Sugar: 5.45 g/100mL

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