About WiNEZ

WiNEZ was a monthly event at EZ Street Saloon in South Range, WI. Unfortunately, due to lower turn out the owners had decided to stop hosting the event. The last wine night at EZ was held on November 12, 2014. But that is not to say the die hards won't be getting together for some wine tasting periodically at EZ Street Saloon. I will continue to blog the wines we have tasted pre starting this blog, along with our impromptu meetings, and maybe transform the blog into something more personal. We will see where it goes. I do know the blog will still be about wine!

So for my WiNEZ pals you can count on this blog to serve as an archive of what was consumed and a reference for your spending sprees. For those who are just curious about what the Northwest Wisconsinites are drinking here are some thoughts… but be warned I am by no means a wine expert-I only know what I like. Since I am not an expert I will try to include the winemakers label descriptions as well.

Salute! or as the Finnish would say Kippis!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sileni Cellar Collection Sauvignon Blanc

Graeme Avery, a pharmaceutical scientist and former owner of medical publishing company Adis International started Sileni Estates in late 1997, along with financial director Chris Cowper and winemaker Grant Edmonds. They named the winery the Sileni who featured in Roman mythology alongside Bacchus, the God of Wine. 
The vineyards and winery are based near Hastings, Hawke’s Bay, on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand, the Marlborough region. The Marlborough region of New Zealand produces around three-quarters of all the country's wine. If you get a chance, check out the Sileni Estates webpage on their innovative winemaking.  

Varietal:  Sauvignon Blanc
Producer/Importer:  Sileni Cellar Collection                      
Region:  Marlborough, New Zealand           
Vintage: 2011
Price: $11.99
Tasting notes:
 Sight (Color/Clarity):
 Smell (bouquet, aroma): Ammonia
Taste (acidity, balance, body): tart citrus start with a dry finish
Winemaker’s notes:The Cellar Selection Sauvignon Blanc has ripe tropical and gooseberry fruit flavours with a zingy finish and impeccable balance. A great aperitif or seafood wine made for drinking young. Serve lightly chilled.”
Overall rating (1-10): 8.5
Date consumed: November 14, 2012

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